Members Case Studies
Becky Carter
Head of Culture and Staff Engagement, People and Organisational Development, Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust
Becky attended the Mid and South Essex Senior Staff Development College between January – June 2019. She found the Staff College programme probed her thinking and leadership in a way she hadn’t experienced before or since. Her learning on content and process has helped become more agile as she responds to culture change, a merger and the pandemic.
Dr Maurice Smith
Chief Clinical Information Officer and Caldicott Guardian, NHS Liverpool CCG
Maurice attended the Staff College Senior Leadership Development Programme: Leading Systems module in December 2019. He found the module helped him develop his own thinking on how he could effect the change he hoped to see. Since attending he has taken on the role of Chief Clinical Information Officer in Liverpool and been able to positively influence the development of a number of data sharing programmes across the wider Cheshire and Merseyside system.
Dr Gareth Smith
Consultant Clinical Scientist (Audiology), Southend University Hospital, Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust
Gareth Smith completed the Mid and South Essex QI Leadership programme between February 2021 and February 2022. Staff College delivered the leadership development sessions of this programme. Gareth produced this video as his final presentation to depict his experiences and journey through the programme.
Dr Jane Jones
Clinical Lead for Children and Adolescent’s Mental Health Services and Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Whittington Hospital
Jane’s attendance on the Staff College Senior Leadership Development Programme: Leading Self, Leading Others and Leading Systems modules from October-December 2017, led to a change in how she runs the Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service. With greater transparency and consistency in the way cases are triaged, patients are more likely to be referred to the right service first time, receiving appropriate care more quickly.
Dr Tim Hodgson
Medical Director for Specialist Services and Consultant in Oral Medicine, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Tim attended the Staff College’s Senior Leadership Course in 2010-11. The impact of the programme has led to significant changes for staff at the hospital he leads with staff satisfaction levels improving and levels of reported cases of bullying and harassment going down from being one of the highest of the Trusts’ hospitals, to being the lowest in just a few years.
Dr Tom Butler
Clinical Lead for Haematology, Barts Health NHS Trust
In his case study, Tom shares his experience of working with Staff College through the Transforming Services Together: Outpatient Transformation Programme and through his attendance on Leading Self earlier this year. He describes how the programmes have impacted on him and how his role has changed as a result. Stepping back and providing the environment for his teams to flourish has enabled them to take forward their plans and set up new services for patients. Now up and running, these services are providing better care and access for marginalised patients with significantly better outcomes.
Kate Petts
Deputy Director of Strategy
University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (UCLH)
Kate attended Staff College’s Senior Leadership Course first modules in 2015 before coming back to complete the Senior Leadership Development Programme, Leading Others and Leading Systems modules of the new programme in 2017, whilst Deputy Divisional Manager at UCLH. In her case study she shares how her experience on the programme helped her to make progress with implementing a new way of working within her service, to meet national guidelines and provide a safer service for patients.